Once turned on the leviton humidity sensor and fan control has a built in count down timer function to allow the fan to run for a set period of time.
Leviton humidity sensor and fan control manual.
The humidity sensor and fan control can help reduce energy usage by operating the fan only when needed to control excess humidity.
The leviton decora wall switch occupancy sensor is the leviton decora wall switch occupancy sensor is the ideal energy saving choice to provide automatic auto on off and manual on auto off lighting control in a variety of commercial and residential applications including offices conference rooms multimedia rooms child care centers and.
Default settings for bathroom applications the device should be placed at a level to detect steam.
No matter how you slice it humidity is the enemy.
The time out function is pre set to a default of 10 minutes but can be adjusted to 10 20 30 or 45 minutes.
The leviton humidity sensor and fan control automatically detects excess humidity in a room and activates the ventilation fan to lessen condensation which helps reduce mold and mildew.
This section has the following description.
Leviton iphs5 1 600 watt incandescent 150 watt led cfl 400va magnetic low voltage fluorescent 1 6th.
Welcome to the leviton blog how to tech talk humidity sensor and fan control works like magic making humidity disappear.
Minimum relative humidity when the humidity is below your set level the fan can only be turned on manually.
It creates the ideal environment for the growth of mold and mildew is uncomfortable and is the prime contributor to bad hair days.
Do not use to control a fan light.
Section of the leviton blogsite.